Give so we can

save lives change hearts make men respect life protect the unborn .

We’re here to help Expectant Fathers

Our movement is getting stronger by the day.

Your gift matters. The support of generous donors enables Expectant Fathers Without Voices in our efforts to help men who have been silenced, and are hurting due to the killing or proposed killing of their pre-born children, by providing the knowledge that we are working hard to change the laws that keep them voiceless!

Each day, thousands of pre-born children in this country are killed in the name of “choice“, and people like you provide the fuel to help us save those lives. Our network of generous donors, and volunteers share a mission to give men a voice in a situation where they have been aggressively silenced in the name of “women’s rights“…
But we understand that a pre-born child needs rights, too.
This year, we want save ALL of the Pre-born babies, by making sure that it is Illegal to intentionally end their lives.
In order for this to happen, we must legally establish equal parental rights and responsibilities from conception, because a pre-born child cannot advocate for themselves from inside the womb. No one can hear them scream out “hey I have rights, I don’t want to be aborted“.
Our legislation, education, and Political lobbying is geared towards holding BOTH parents accountable if they were to violate their parental responsibilities, especially to the point where that violation resulted in the abortion, (intentional killing) of their own child.
For over 50 years, not a single man has had any rights in the abortion debate by law. Therefore, they’ve also had no accountability by law. EFWV seeks to change that once and for all.
The easiest way to affect the life of a pre-born baby is to change the way that society views the heart, mind, and roll, of the Expectant Father, and for that change to be reflected in proposed legislation that can be voted into law.
The more you give, the more we can do!