EFWV needs
time & energy hope & action your love and support .
We’re here to help Expectant Fathers
Your gift matters. The support of generous donors enables Expectant Fathers Without Voices in our efforts to help men who have been silenced, and are hurting emotionally and psychologically, due to the killing or proposed killing of their unborn children.
Each day, thousands of pre-born children in this country are killed in the name of “choice”, and people like you provide the fuel to save those lives. Our network of generous donors, volunteers and employees share a mission to give me a voice in a situation where they are generally silenced in the name of “rights”…
But we understand that an unborn child has rights, too.
We want to save 1,000 lives this year. The easiest way to effect the life of an unborn baby is to change the heart and mind of the expectant father. The more you give, the more we can do.
By funding our effort, you save lives and families.
The Expectant Fathers community is composed of generous, loving, and empathetic people from more than 50 countries around the world. We are hear to change society’s view of the family and fatherhood. Welcome aboard.
“I spoke my heart, and it changed hers. Commitment is actually liberating.”
Jammi W.Client. Donor. Father.
”When I first met Elliott, it forced me to re-think the other side of the pro-life movement, and come to terms with the amount of pain men experience. His approach was so unique, and there was an obvious gap in services for his audience. He's a bright soul with a loving heart. He's already successful, and he saves familes.
Janine MarroneCo-Founder, Support After Abortion