ArticlesInto Action 6 Things Men in “this” Position Need to Know They need to know that it is not only OK but 100% proper for them…EFWV CommsJuly 5, 2021
ArticlesStories of Redemption What EFWV’s Success Looks Like Since we founded in November 2019, 7 lives have been saved from the horror of…EFWV CommsJune 28, 2021
Stories of RedemptionThe Real Impact Elliott Cohn: My abortion story I’m a man who has lost 2 children to abortion against his will. They were…EFWV CommsApril 15, 2021
Into ActionThe Real Impact How do you determine who IS and who is NOT a “good man”? For people who don’t support us, their biggest concern is: "how do you determine who…EFWV CommsMarch 18, 2021
Into ActionThe Real Impact What men should say… and why most don’t… What should a guy tell their girlfriend, or partner if they’re consider abortion? Don't do…EFWV CommsDecember 3, 2020